
Stardew Valley How To Get More Energy

Energy is a useful resource that is needed to get you through your day in Stardew Valley. The energy is used for using tools (except for scythes, weapons, and the copper pan), and merely going through your day.

It is essential for yous to have some energy to get through your day otherwise you will faint. Fifty-fifty picayune tasks like picking upwards or transporting a breast with your empty hands consume energy.

Free energy can be regained and even indefinitely increased by a number of ways in Stardew Valley. The means include sleeping, ownership food that increases your energy from the shops, getting energy boost medicines from Harvey and more than. These ways tin can assistance yous regain your energy temporarily for the 24-hour interval. Some of the items can fifty-fifty help you lot increase the maximum energy capacity of your character.

In this guide, nosotros volition be going into item nearly the ways you lot can go about regaining your energy in Stardew Valley, increasing the capacity and minimizing the energy loss. Then make sure to keep reading!

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What You lot Demand To Know About Energy In Stardew Valley?

The role player's energy bar displays the player'due south current available energy, which lowers equally the day goes. The bar is fully filled at the start of the 24-hour interval, only as the twenty-four hours goes on, you can see it lower down.

The player begins the game with 270 total energy. There are multiple ways you can increment your maximum free energy chapters of 270. The maximum amount of energy you lot tin have is 508. It is increased by using some stardrops; which nosotros will go into detail well-nigh after in the article.

It is also possible to accept temporary increases in maximal free energy. Upwardly to two max free energy boosts tin be active at the same time: 1 from a drink (specifically, Light-green Tea) and another from a snack. As a outcome, The highest temporary value of maximum energy that whatsoever thespian can achieve is 588.

How Do You lot Lose Energy In Stardew Valley?

In Stardew Valley, you tin can lose energy in several means. Every 24-hour interval you lot wake up to practise regular tasks, and while doing those tasks, your free energy gets depleted. Those regular tasks can include:

  • Tilling soil
  • Catching fishes
  • Clearing the farm
  • Planting crops
  • Exploring the mines
  • But walking and running through the town

These will each individually cost you the vast majority of your daily energy at first. Fortunately, you lot can permanently improve your energy by increasing your skill level (and therefore decreasing the energy toll of tools).

You can also increase the maximum value of your energy by using some items. Nosotros will be going into details nearly them down below.

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How To Regain Energy In Stardew Valley?

At that place are several ways yous can regain energy in Stardew Valley. These ways include the  following:

1. Sleeping At Your Firm

Sleeping at your house replenishes the player's starting energy level for the side by side mean solar day. If you go to bed before 12 AM, it will replenish your free energy to its pinnacle the next mean solar day.

The quantity of energy restored can be lowered if the player goes to sleep late, passes out, or is weary, and then y'all demand to make sure to go to sleep on time. If the thespian falls asleep exhausted, sleep relieves the exhaustion only reduces free energy regeneration past l%.

If the histrion goes to sleep later 12:00 AM, energy regeneration is significantly lowered. This decrease stacks with the depleted penalisation in an additive style so it is important to have care of sleeping on time.

2. Leveling Up A Skill

When you level up your skill in Stardew Valley, the next morning your energy will be fully replenished. When your professions at the Statue of Uncertainty alter as well, yous will wake upward with fully replenished energy the next post-obit 24-hour interval.

3. Beingness Idle In Sure Situations

If the player has not moved in the last 100ms while resting in the spa or pond, their free energy and health will increase past one every 100ms until they reach the maximum energy threshold.

When y'all are playing multiplayer, beingness in your bed replenishes your energy by 500ms until information technology reaches the maximum threshold.

4. Getting Food Or Drink from Joja Mart or Stardrop Saloon

Food and drinks can prove to be one of the most effective ways to regain energy in Stardew Valley. Food and drinks tin either have a positive effect or a negative effect on your energy.

You tin purchase something like a Fried Egg, which will increase your free energy. Be wary of the foods that tin decrease your free energy though. Sap is one of the food items that tin decrease your energy.

Drinking a cup of Stardrop Tea will also restore your energy by 50. To brand Stardrop Tea, gather Dandelions and Leek and use them to make the Stardrop Tea.

Increasing energy over zero (for instance, past eating food) restores your mobility and allows you to practice much more for the residue of the solar day. On doing this though, you lot will stay weary for the rest of the day.

There is no indication of this lingering tiredness in-game, nonetheless, information technology leads to a fifty% drop in energy restoration that night. This aftereffect can exist prevented past treating tiredness with Musculus Remedy or (if married) kissing the thespian'south spouse for the first time that mean solar day.

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How Does Exhaustion Piece of work In Stardew Valley?

When you lot reach 0 free energy, an X dialogue bubble will appear over your head with the message "Y'all experience sluggish from over-exertion." Your movement speed will be slowed greatly, and Fishing Poles can no longer be tossed.

Other energy-intensive equipment can exist utilized, only your energy drops. The player goes out at -xv energy, therefore ending the day. If the player gets unconscious anywhere outside the dwelling, they will lose 10% of their coin, upwards to a maximum of 1,000 aureate.


Energy is a very valuable resource in Stardew Valley. It is of import to keep information technology in check and work accordingly. Failure to do then volition end you up with your energy in negatives. With the ways we listed, hopefully managing your free energy efficiently will non be a problem for you anymore!


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