
Which Of The Following Are Not True Advantages Of Clustering Services

Which of the following are not                 or maximum distances

true almost clustering?

         A) The complete method of linkage clustering uses information on all pairs, not just the minimum

         B) Agglomerative clustering is a clustering procedure where all objects start out every bit one behemothic

               cluster. Clusters are formed past dividing this cluster into smaller and smaller clusters.

         C) Hierarchical clustering is a clustering procedure characterized by the development of a tree-like

               structure called a dendrogram.

         D) A and C simply

         E) B and C but

         F) A and B just

         G) All of the to a higher place

         H) None of the in a higher place

Discriminant analysis can be used to answer which of the post-obit questions:

        A)    In terms of demographics, how practise customers who exhibit store loyalty differ from those who exercise


        B)  How much of a variation in sales can be explained by advertising expenditures, prices, and level

               of distribution?

        C)  What are the distinguishing characteristics of consumers who answer to direct mail


        D)  B and C

        E)  A and C

        F)  A and B

        M)           All of the above (A, B and C)

       H)            None of the above

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Which Of The Following Are Not True Advantages Of Clustering Services,


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