
How To Get Rid Of Scars Around Nipples

How to Reduce Scars After Breast Surgery

One of the biggest worries that many women have virtually undergoing breast enlargement or reduction procedures is how visible the surgery scars will be.

We also offer a guide to reducing scars from general cosmetic surgery. While this is not breast specific, much of the data can be applied to looking after the scars resulting from breast enlargement surgery too.

Below is a list of helpful hints and exercises that yous tin can follow to

  1. Vesture a support bra
  2. Use creams
  3. Apply silicone treatments
  4. Gently massage the expanse in one case fully healed
  5. Stop smoking
  6. Eat healthily
  7. Drink enough of water
  8. Avoid exposing the scar to direct sunlight and UV light from sunbeds for first 6 months
  9. Avoid exercise until fully healed
  10. Keep the wound dry
  11. Avoid hot showers
  12. Take care of your wound
  13. Monitor yourself to make certain your scar is healing as expected

Other aspects of scarring covered on this page are:

  • Retrieve to follow your surgeon's aftercare instructions
  • Breast surgery scar infection
  • Breast surgery healing fourth dimension
  • Do breast augmentation or reduction scars go abroad?

1. Wear a support bra

Wearing a mail-operative bra throughout the mean solar day and at nighttime following the functioning will aid to keep your breasts supported, placing less stress on the scar. Depending on the advice of your surgeon, you may be asked to wearable this type of bra for up to six months after surgery — this is the nigh important fourth dimension in the healing process because it is when the scar tissue begins to class.

It is of import that you don't wear an underwired bra every bit the wiring tin rub and irritate certain scars. A mail service-operative bra volition usually have a soft but potent underband, which offers support while still beingness gentle against the skin.

2. Use creams

Y'all will encounter several different types of cream when you opt for chest surgery. The three types you are virtually probable to use are:

  • Anti-bacterial cream. Occasionally, you lot will exist required to employ this foam to protect confronting infection. The utilize of this foam will very much depend on the post-operative instructions given out by your surgeon. It is of import that you follow these instructions closely.
  • Softening cream. This type of cream should just be applied after the wound has healed. It will keep the scar flexible, and in some cases hydrate the expanse. There are no conclusive studies that show these creams are 100% effective.
  • Silicone treatments. This is by far the most well regarded treatment among the medical community for reducing scars. Run into below for more information.

iii. Utilise silicone treatments

Silicone treatments help to hydrate the scar tissue, producing softer, flatter scars. They also act as a bulwark to bacteria. The material is 'breathable', preventing the scar tissue from becoming sweaty and irritated, and tin in fact reduce the itching feeling that comes with scars. They should only be started once the wound has fully healed later on 2-three weeks.

These treatments usually come up in two forms:

Thin plaster-like strips of dissimilar shapes that fit under the breast and around the nipple. Some brands can be done and reused. A runny substance that is spread or painted on earlier quickly drying. Information technology can be applied several times a day and provides like benefits to sheets, though with greater flexibility.

4. Gently massage the area

Gentle massaging helps to soften and flatten the scar. This must only be done once the scab has disappeared on its own. Use foam or oil to aid this procedure. The pressure tin can as well increment claret flow in the peel, speeding upwards the healing process. Scars are made upward of collagen that has knitted together to heal whatsoever wound that has been made. Massage helps to distribute the collagen, preventing it from edifice up.

Meet our page How to massage scar tissue after breast surgery for more information.

5. Cease smoking

Smoking reduces blood menses, and consequently the amount of oxygen, to the skin. This is needed for a wound to heal properly. Smoking tin can also impact how well white blood cells fight off infection. This impacts on how well your torso heals the incisions from surgery, directly affecting what type of scar is left.

6. Eat healthily

Having the right vitamins, proteins and nutrients in your body with let it to create new tissue and heal as chop-chop equally possible.

7. Potable plenty of water

Keeping yourself hydrated improves the elasticity of your skin and helps the healing process. When skin lacks fluid, the wound will non receive the right amount of oxygen and nutrients to heal.

viii. Avert exposing scars to directly sunlight

Scar tissue later on surgery has less protection against UV light so exposure can make them appear darker. They besides suffer from sunburn more easily. After surgery, it is advisable to avoid any exposure to the lord's day and if that is not possible, it is all-time to use a loftier factor dominicus cream.

9. Avoid exercising

You need to do everything you tin can to avoid putting stress on the scar. This means doing no do immediately afterwards the procedure, and merely gentle practise for the first week after that. Your levels of exercise can be increased gradually in line with advice from your surgeon. Normal exercise can usually resume around half dozen weeks after the functioning.

10. Go on the wound dry out

Although a moist wound will heal faster, getting a wound moisture tin promote infection. To reduce scarring information technology is best to keep information technology out of water. The wound can exist kept moist through the use of creams and lotions.

eleven. Avoid hot showers

Heat tin can beal the wound and cause inflammation — preventing the wound from healing. Keep your baths and showers lukewarm at first until the wound has sufficiently healed.

12. Accept intendance of your wound

The all-time way to avoid scarring from breast reduction surgery or breast enlargement surgery is to allow your wound to heal as fast as possible. This means keeping the area clean in order to forbid infection and avoiding any undue stress on the scar.

thirteen. Monitor yourself to make sure your scar is healing as expected

Keeping a shut eye on your wound volition allow you lot to estimate how the healing is progressing. If it is non healing in line with the expectations of your surgeon, it is of import to make a follow-up date and talk through your concerns.

Remember to follow your surgeon's aftercare instructions

It is important to follow your surgeon'southward aftercare instructions equally closely as possible in order promote healing.

Your surgeon volition give you instructions on things you should practise after the operation, such equally what type of dressing to use on the incisions and how often it should be changed. During the initial recovery period, exist sure to modify the dressing as instructed.

If your surgeon uses peel glue to seal the wound, this volition peel away after two weeks, at which time you will exist able to brainstorm applying cream to the wound.

Go to our aftercare department for more information on what activities to avert and for how long.

Chest surgery scar infection

Swelling around the operation site is a natural effect of breast augmentation surgery. Information technology won't normally bear upon the condition of your scar during the healing process, but it's important to talk to your surgeon if yous experience new swelling around your scar after the initial swelling has subsided. This could indicate an infection, or it could stretch the site of your incision so that the scar tissue is afflicted.

In rare circumstances, some complications may arise. Talk to your surgeon immediately if y'all have any of the post-obit symptoms concerning your scar:

  • Coloured discharge from the site of your wound
  • Lumps or excessive swelling

Breast surgery healing time

Scar timeline

Chest enlargement or reduction scars tin can vary in size and severity according to an individual'south health, body type and the operation that they undergo, so make sure that you lot discuss these with your surgeon prior to surgery if you're concerned. Scars often wait slightly red at two-3 months and so pale purple colour fading to white in eight-12 months in most patients.

The epitome in a higher place shows a scar on breast lift at 12 weeks.

The image in a higher place shows breast reduction scar at 1 year.

Exercise breast augmentation or reduction scars go abroad?

Scars will never fade completely. Nevertheless, some scars can be so lite and thin that they appear almost invisible. This will usually depend on whether or not you are prone to highly visible scarring. Yous can assess this by looking at existing scars on your torso.

The biggest influence on whatsoever potential scars from chest implants or scars after breast reduction is the experience and skill of the plastic surgeon. Before you choose a surgeon, make sure you lot inquire to come across detailed example studies of previous patients and likewise inquire about what the potential breast reduction or breast enlargement scars may wait similar. In many cases, a skilled surgeon will exist able to get out scars that become barely visible over time.

Farther back up

For more than advice on reducing scarring after other cosmetic procedures please click here. If yous have any questions virtually having a breast augmentation or reduction procedure then speak to the team on 0115 9624535.

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