
How To Share Books With Students

Delight note, this feature is only available to teachers or schools who have subscribed to one of our paid plans. All the same other teachers can attempt out the feature with a complimentary 14-day trial.

Choose a book and click on the Share icon beneath the book, and then choose Collaborate.

Expect— I can't come across the Collaborate pick?

If you're in 'My Books' so switch to one of your libraries. My Books is always private and doesn't support collaboration. If you haven't made a library hither's the steps.

If you lot're a educatee (or a teacher in some other teacher's library) and then first ensure it's your volume selected. You can't enable collaboration on someone else's book. If the Collaborate button is all the same non showing then the teacher who created the library will need to enable collaboration offset either by starting the free trial or upgrading to a paid plan.

Also, please note that there is a library setting that determines whether or not students tin turn on collaboration for their book. The possessor of the library may have turned it off.

2. Choose who has access

Past default, everyone in the library will have access to interact with you on your volume. If you want to change that, click the Change link then click on the people you want to be able to edit the book with you. So click 10.

Now hitting the Outset collaboration button to confirm yous want to make the book collaborative.

You'll see when a volume has been made collaborative by the icon in the elevation right of the book:

3. See who's collaborating in the book

One time you've opened the volume, you tin get an overview of who's working on different pages by clicking the Pages push in the top toolbar.

Y'all'll see that any folio that has one person working on it has a piffling person icon. If there are multiple people working on a page, it volition exist a double icon. You tin can click on the icon to see who they are.

4. Working on a folio together

When editing a page its title shows anyone else working with you on that page.

Equally you all work on the page, you lot'll run across items exist placed and motion around the folio in real-time equally it happens (at that place may be a slight delay as items sync across the internet). You'll be able to run into who is working on what as their names volition appear around the bounding box. You'll observe your bounding box is bluish, whilst everyone else'southward is red.

Note: you tin can have over each other's items on the page, edit each other's text, even delete each other's work. And so you'll need to work together to make sure everyone is happy and respectful. Perchance blueprint some class protocols together?

5. Stop collaborating

The owner of the book (or the owner of the library) tin plow off collaboration at any fourth dimension. Only click on the share button (or the collaboration icon in the corner of the volume) and then click on Cease collaborating.

Now no-one else tin bring together the book and edit information technology, and anyone currently working in the book will be moved dorsum out to the bookshelf.

If you've turned off collaboration, all books volition exist set to read-only, and students will simply be able to make a copy of a volume to edit their own version.


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